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Total Results : 69

Dubai seeks developers for landfill gas power plant project

  • 2024-05-02 07:10:24
  • David Flin

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA) has started a competitive tender process to select a developer to build and operate the Al Qusais Landfill Gas Power Generation plant on an IPP basis.

How to keep demand and supply in balance through the energy transition

  • 2024-02-16 10:52:25
  • Junior Isles

One of the most significant challenges posed by connecting more renewable energy to the grid is intermittency. Balancing the potential energy shortages or oversupply requires a flexible approach.

By Steven Hardman, CEO, Conrad Energy

Valmet to supply biomass power plant to Göteborg Energi in Sweden

  • 2023-10-18 04:55:08.416124
  • David Flin

Valmet will supply a biomass plant to Göteburg Energi in Gothenburg, Sweden. This will be a new plant to produce electricity and district heat from renewable and recovered sources by 2025.

Taiwan to launch first volcanic geothermal power plant

  • 2023-10-06 05:57:44.689277
  • David Flin

The city government of New Taipei has announced that Taiwan is preparing to launch its first commercial geothermal power plant which will draw energy from a volcano.

HD Hyundai Infracore to develop hydrogen gas engine

  • 2023-07-07 06:57:35.855389
  • David Flin

HD Hyundai Infracore, a construction equipment unit of South Korea’s HD Hyundai Group, has signed an MOU with Korea East-West Power to develop and commercialise hydrogen gas engines.

INNIO’s Wuhan waste-to-energy project enters Phase II

  • 2023-03-24 07:16:27.142010
  • David Flin

INNIO has announced that Wuhan Environmental Investment and Development Co. (WEID) has commissioned six additional INNIO Jenbacher J320 engines for the Wuhan Jiangxia Changshankou Municipal Solid Waste landfill gas project.

Drax halts investment in UK BECCS

  • 2023-03-22 07:45:11
  • David Flin

Drax has announced that it has put its investment programme into the bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) project at Drax Power Station on hold.

MAN to upgrade Caribbean power plant engines

  • 2023-03-09 06:46:18.072643
  • David Flin

Caribbean Utilities Company (CUC) has commissioned MAN PrimeServ to upgrade five power plant engines.

Energy market reforms required for EU to achieve net zero goals

  • 2023-02-28 07:21:45.889468
  • David Flin

Wärtsilä has released a study stating that the European Commission needs to reform its electricity market design to encourage flexible balancing power capacity if the EU is to achieve its net zero targets and improve energy security.

Ukraine signs MOU for floating power units

  • 2023-01-27 06:46:57.647184
  • David Flin

Following the devastation caused by Russian attacks against power infrastructure, JSC Energy Company of Ukraine (EKU JSC) has signed an MOU with Turkey’s Karpowership.

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