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Total Results : 8

US charges four Russians over energy sector cyber-attacks

  • 2022-03-25 06:36:00
  • David Flin

The US has charged four Russian government employees with cyber-attacks on the global energy sector, targeting hundreds of companies and organisations in over 100 countries.

The energy industry’s surprising security weakness

  • 2021-02-10 22:19:10
  • Junior Isles

The energy industry continues to make great strides to rapidly modernise and adopt “smarter infrastructure”. But the same considerations must also be made for upgrading security.

By Steve Green, Regional Sales Manager UK at Genetec

Cyber threats in the utilities sector: A perfect storm

  • 2020-12-17 15:57:51
  • Junior Isles

In the last year alone, a number of high-profile attacks have hit the utilities and energy sector. But how can companies protect themselves when attacks are becoming ever more sophisticated?

By Miles Tappin, VP of EMEA at ThreatConnect

Siemens releases cyber IR playbook

  • 2020-03-11 21:46:37
  • Junior Isles

Siemens has published a new incident response (IR) “playbook” that guides utilities on how to respond to a cyber attack.

The Energy and Utilities sector needs a cyber security revamp

  • 2020-01-02 13:11:55.195599
  • Junior Isles

By Rich Turner, SVP EMEA at CyberArk

The introduction of IoT sensors, smart meters, and integrated cloud services requires a proactive and up-to-date mindset when it comes to cyber security.

Addressing four major risks to the physical data security of energy facilities

  • 2019-01-23 22:52:42.057244
  • Junior Isles

Physical data security is often overlooked within energy facilities – where the stakes could not be higher.

By Douglas Miorandi, Director of U.S. Federal Programs at Metrasens

The energy sector and cyber security: the other capacity gap

  • 2018-10-09 15:09:57
  • Junior Isles

Here is a statement that I’m sure most of our industry leaders would agree with: Society needs energy, and demand will only grow. We need more power and to be smarter about how we use it to maintain security of supply. Now replace the word ‘power’ with ‘cyber security resource’. Would as many people agree? They should.

By Anjos Nijk, Managing Director at ENCS


The DDoS threat for energy and utility companies

  • 2017-11-25 20:35:31
  • Junior Isles

By Scott Taylor, VP at Corero Network Security

The Internet of Things represents a new reality for the energy sector, improving how we manage our power distribution and consumption, and enabling a more flexible and efficient energy grid. This has introduced a range of benefits, including a greater flexibility to accommodate new energy sources, better management of assets as well as greater reliability of services. But as operating systems have become increasingly connected to the Internet, it has also increased the potential for damaging cyber attacks such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS).

By Scott Taylor, VP at Corero Network Security


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