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Total Results : 6

How integrated software solutions drive success in energy markets

  • 2024-08-09 11:27:43
  • Junior Isles

With the energy transition and growing demand, the role of integrated software solutions in tackling the industry’s challenges and unlocking better integration of renewable energy sources cannot be underestimated.

By Rohan Patel, SVP of Engineering at

A rise in renewable energy is futile if our grids can’t keep pace with the growth

  • 2024-03-20 17:47:47
  • Junior Isles

The switch to clean energy can only happen if grids are upgraded to connect to more renewable projects, and store excess energy for later use, rather than curtail it. But bureaucratic processes are causing major delays to key renewable energy projects.

By Frédéric Godemel, EVP Power Systems and Services at Schneider Electric

Realising a once-in-a-generation opportunity for a clean energy revolution

  • 2021-01-04 23:02:17
  • Junior Isles

The G20’s stimulus packages are weighted to support legacy energy systems; missing the opportunity to create jobs and accelerate the transition towards flexible, renewable-powered economies.

By Sushil Purohit, President, Wärtsilä Energy

How to tackle environmental compliance in a decentralised energy market

  • 2019-11-01 23:06:46.211685
  • Junior Isles

Malcolm Gray, CFO and co-founder of Libryo, discusses the challenges energy businesses face with ever-changing legislation.

Taking a shared value approach to energy

  • 2019-07-09 11:49:32
  • Junior Isles

Climate-conscious companies across the globe and across industries are starting to invest more in shared value strategies for business growth.  The electricity landscape is a prime example of this. As it undergoes a transformation, becoming more complex than ever before with rapidly evolving technologies, declining costs, and shifting regulatory landscapes, the electricity grid’s shared infrastructure provides the underserved with access to affordable services.

By Marga Hoek

2018-2019 … the pivotal years for New Energy

  • 2019-01-07 22:57:52
  • Junior Isles

Decentralised energy has now firmly moved from being on the periphery of the energy debate to front and centre. Most companies now recognise the direction in which the market is heading and it seems like we are approaching the cusp of change.

By Jenny Carson, Senior Analyst,  Delta-ee

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