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Taiwan to launch first volcanic geothermal power plant

  • 8 months ago (2023-10-06)
  • David Flin
Asia 859 Gas engine plant 62 Renewables 757

The city government of New Taipei has announced that Taiwan is preparing to launch its first commercial geothermal power plant which will draw energy from a volcano.

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The Sihuangziping Pilot Geothermal Power Plant, located in the Jinshan District, has a 1 MW generator powered by heat from the Datun volcanoes. The plant will provide power to New Taipei. The city government said that the plant will be capable of generating 6.4 GWh annually.

Taiwan plans to construct a 4 MW geothermal plant in the Datun volcanoes cluster later this year.

The Taiwan government said that the country has different types of available geothermal resources, including magmatic-volcanic, extensional domain, orogenic belt/foreland basin, and geo-pressured geothermal. Each type harnesses geothermal energy from various geological processes.