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Total Results : 4

Eskom increase length of daily power cut

  • 2022-05-16 06:58:59.314875
  • David Flin

South Africa’s state power utility Eskom has announced that it has increased the hours of daily power cut temporarily, because it lost more generation capacity.

Iran to increase electricity capacity by 6 GW before summer

  • 2022-04-05 06:42:23.313425
  • David Flin

Ali Akbar Mehrabian, Iran’s Energy Minister, has said that 6 GW of new capacity will be added to the country’s current power generation capacity before the start of peak demand in July.

ABB launches Collaborative Operations for the power generation and water industries

  • 2018-02-22 06:30:18
  • David Flin

ABB has launched it ABB Ability™ Collaborative Operations for Power Generation & water on 21 February.

Explosion and fire at Flamanville nuclear power plant

  • 2017-02-10 04:30:54.188509
  • David Flin

A fire and explosion took place at EDF’s Flamanville nuclear power plant in northern France.

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