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Total Results : 9

G7 JETP plans hit global snags

  • 2024-09-25 06:24:06
  • David Flin

The Just Energy Transition Partnership (JTP), a G7-backed funding initiative to help developing nations cut carbon emissions has hit a number of snags around the world.

Conditions placed on Mexican Government’s acquisition of Iberdrola power plants

  • 2024-02-16 07:46:05.136074
  • David Flin

Mexico’s anti-trust agency the Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) has established conditions for the $6 billion acquisition of 13 power plants by the Mexican Government from Iberdrola.

TransAlta buys Heartland Generation for $658 million

  • 2023-11-03 07:14:06.744190
  • David Flin

TransAlta has announced that it has acquired Canadian-based Heartland Generation for $658 million, which includes the assumption of $268 million of debt.

EU approves €2.7 billion restructuring aid for Romanian power company

  • 2022-01-28 06:38:53.389348
  • David Flin

The European Commission has approved Romania’s plans to grant restructuring aid of up to €2.7 billion to the power company Complexul Energetic Oltenia (CE Oltenia).

EU imposes freeze on UK back-up power subsidy scheme

  • 2018-11-16 06:10:30.753368
  • David Flin

The European General Court has suspended the UK’s subsidy scheme for back-up electricity generation, stating that the payments system should be subject to a state aid investigation.

Iran approves $11.8 billion of foreign direct investment

  • 2017-01-09 04:59:50
  • David Flin

Iran has approved the attraction of $11.8 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) during 2017, according to a report recently published on the Iranian Government’s official website.

Trump to name majority of TVA board in 2017

  • 2017-01-03 06:39:55
  • David Flin

One third of the board governing the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in the USA has been vacated, with incoming President Trump to announce their replacements.

Dynegy purchase of ENGIE plants wins conditional approval

  • 2016-12-29 05:59:40
  • David Flin

The USA’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has granted conditional approval of Dynegy’s acquisition of ENGIE’s power generation unit, but said that the company may have to sell some generation in ISO New England and the RTO PJM to address market power concerns in the regions’ capacity markets.

Medco plans three gas-fired power plants

  • 2016-12-28 05:34:01
  • David Flin

PT Medco Power Generation Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Medco Energi International, has proposed construction of three gas-fired power plants in Indonesia, one of which will be built in Kuala Langsa.

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