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Total Results : 140

EU increases renewable share to 46.9 per cent in 2024

  • 2025-03-24 06:37:29
  • David Flin

Eurostat has released an analysis of electricity generation in the EU which states that 46.9 per cent of it came from renewable sources and a continuing reduction in dependence on fossil fuels.

Indonesia to build two floating solar power plants

  • 2025-03-19 06:44:55
  • David Flin

The Indonesian Ministry of Public Works has announced that it will develop two floating solar power plants at dammed reservoirs, due to be operational in 2027.

SSE Renewables to start £70 million project to repower Lochay Hydro Power Station

  • 2025-03-04 07:04:07
  • David Flin

SSE Renewables has announced an investment of £70 million over the next three years to repower the 45 MW Lochay Hydro Power Station, located in Killin, Perthshire, Scotland.

Vietnam breaks ground on Phase 2 of Bac Ai pumped storage hydropower plant

  • 2025-02-25 05:55:11
  • David Flin

Vietnam Electricity (EVN) held a groundbreaking ceremony on 22 Feb for Phase 2 of the Bac Ai pumped storage hydropower plant in Ninh Thuan province.

Jammu and Kashmir’s hydropower generation falls by over 80 per cent

  • 2025-02-20 06:54:47
  • David Flin

The Jammu and Kashmir region administered by India has seen its hydropower generation fall by over 80 per cent, from a nominal installed capacity of 3500 MW to just 606 MW.

Pumped hydropower storage scheme planned for Belfast Lough

  • 2025-01-29 06:07:30
  • David Flin

Mutual Energy has started a feasibility study for a pumped hydro-energy storage (PHES) reservoir near Carrickfergus, by Belfast Lough in Northern Ireland.

EU Commission approves Italian aid for renewable electricity production

  • 2024-12-19 06:09:55
  • David Flin

The European Commission has approved a €10 billion Italian scheme to support electricity production from renewable energy sources to help transition towards a net-zero economy.

Zambia to approve another coal-fired power plant

  • 2024-12-11 06:58:03
  • David Flin

Zambia, which currently gets 85 per cent of its electricity from hydropower, is about to approve its third coal-fired power plant in a year.

GE Vernova wins order to modernise Saluda Hydropower Plant

  • 2024-12-03 06:52:35
  • David Flin

GE Vernova has secured an order from Dominion Energy to modernise two hydropower units at the Saluda Hydropower plant located approximately 10 miles from Columbia, South Carolina, USA.

Queensland abandons 5 GW pumped storage hydropower project

  • 2024-11-07 05:17:57
  • David Flin

The Government of the Australian state of Queensland has abandoned development of a 5 GW pumped storage hydropower project due to be built on the state’s central coast.

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