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Total Results : 17

SinoHydro to invest $214 million in Rwandan hydropower plant

  • 2019-04-04 05:20:19
  • David Flin

SinoHydro of China has announced that it will invest $214 million into the Nyabarongo II Hydropower Plant in Rwanda, boosting the country’s effort to achieve universal access to electricity by 2024.

ZRA reduces water for power generation

  • 2019-03-25 06:12:56.695273
  • David Flin

The Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) has reduced water allocated for power generation at Kariba Hydropower Station due to falling water levels in the lake shared by Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Drax buys assets from Iberdrola

  • 2019-01-02 07:58:35.782321
  • David Flin

Drax Power Station in Yorkshire, UK, has completed the £702 million buyout of low-carbon and renewable assets from Iberdrola of Spain.

Tanzania to sign $3 billion power plant deal

  • 2018-12-14 05:46:07.658235
  • David Flin

Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has announced that his Government will sign a deal for the construction of a $3 billion hydroelectric power plant.

ZRA increases water allocated to power generation at Kariba Dam Power Station

  • 2018-08-13 05:36:12.035318
  • David Flin

The Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) has said that the Kariba Dam is 85 per cent full, and that it has therefore increase the water allocated to the two hydropower stations for power generation.

Monster pumped hydroelectric plan for Loch Ness

  • 2018-07-09 06:05:47.633072
  • David Flin

Intelligent Land Investments (ILI), a property management company in Hamilton, Scotland, has proposed building a 2.4 GWh pumped hydroelectric project near Loch Ness in Scotland.

TVA February hydro generation nearly doubles year-on-year

  • 2018-02-23 06:20:43.813665
  • David Flin

A spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in the USA has said that the authority’s generation of hydropower is nearly double the level of this time last year.

Nigeria plans to start building $5.8 billion hydropower plant in 2018

  • 2018-01-31 05:20:53.259932
  • David Flin

The Nigerian Government has confirmed that it plans to start construction of a $5.8 billion hydropower plant in the eastern Mambila region this year, once it has finalised loan terms with China’s Export-Import Bank.

Resurgent Power bids for power assets of Jaypee

  • 2018-01-15 05:17:14.161166
  • David Flin

Resurgent Power, backed by the Tata Group, has emerged as the frontrunner to buy the Indian firm Jaypee Power Ventures.

Hydropower generation up by 23 per cent in Punjab

  • 2017-11-16 07:48:47.015672
  • David Flin

Hydroelectric power plants owned by the Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) in India have produced 23 per cent more electricity from the months since April 2017 compared with the same period last year.

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