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Total Results : 8

GE upgrades Hydro Quebec’s Montagnais substation

  • 2019-06-06 05:52:54.702264
  • David Flin

GE’s Grid Solutions business has completed key upgrades on Hydro Quebec’s Montagnais substation’s protection and control systems.

Iraqi Ministry of Energy and GE Power inaugurate Baghdad West North substation

  • 2019-01-24 05:53:40.164218
  • David Flin

GE Power’s Grid Solutions business has inaugurated the Baghdad West North Substation as part of its support for the development of Iraq’s power infrastructure.

The demands of urbanisation: turning energy challenges into opportunities

  • 2019-01-04 14:36:15.494524
  • Junior Isles

Balancing the needs of people, the economy and the environment has grown into a global challenge. However, when we combine the right perspective with a smarter approach, it is possible to turn these challenges into opportunities.

By David Hall, Vice President Energy, UK & Ireland at Schneider Electric

ABB to buy GE’s Industrial Solutions Business for $2.6 billion

  • 2017-09-27 05:45:32.376137
  • David Flin

ABB has announced that it will buy GE’s Industrial Solutions business for $2.6 billion.

Nigerian transmission company to invest $2 billion in expanding capacity

  • 2017-08-18 07:20:10.800340
  • David Flin

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has secured $2 billion to rehabilitate national grid infrastructure, and expand its transmission capacities up to 20,000 MW within the next three years.

Haredi private Shabbat power stations to raise Israelis’ electricity rates

  • 2017-08-07 06:03:31.733697
  • David Flin

It has been reported that Knesset members from United Torah Judaism Party are seeking to establish small private power stations in Haredi neighbourhoods, which will be cut off from the national grid on Saturdays.

ABB wins $30 million order for Iraq power infrastructure development

  • 2017-08-03 05:38:52.981784
  • David Flin

ABB has won a $30 million order to supply and install a substation at the 3000 MW Rumaila power plant, located in the Basra region of southern Iraq.

DEWA to build 97 new substations by 2020

  • 2017-02-27 04:01:31.084172
  • David Flin

The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has announced that it plans to build 97 new 132/11 kV substations over the next three years, at a projected cost of $2.72 billion.

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