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Total Results : 10

Grid inadequacy makes renewable growth futile

  • 2023-09-08 16:01:12
  • Junior Isles

A rise in renewable energy is futile if our grids can’t keep pace with the growth.

By Frédéric Godemel, EVP Power Systems and Services at Schneider Electric 

The criticality of digital technology in electrification and meeting net zero targets

  • 2023-08-11 23:38:34
  • Junior Isles

Digital software provides the foundation for wide-scale adoption of electricity as a power source but to maximise value from distributed power a reality, developments in digital software will be required.

by Ron Beck, Senior Director, AspenTech

Fuel cell use in data centres – How much do you know?

  • 2023-03-05 16:33:43
  • Junior Isles

Despite the evidence of numerous data centres piloting fuel cells, as well as predictions for strong growth of the technology in data centre applications, actual use remains low. The industry needs a greater understanding of fuel cells to drive wider adoption of a technology which could accelerate the effectiveness of the sector’s GHG Abatement efforts.

By Ed Ansett, Founder and Chairman, i3 Solutions Group

Flexibility is moving local

  • 2022-10-19 18:10:24
  • Junior Isles

For a rapid and affordable transition to net zero electricity by 2035, it is vital that we minimise temporary network congestion by being smarter about paying flexible demand to consume at the right time and the right place. The possibilities for local flexibility markets are therefore vast.

By Jo-Jo Hubbard, Co-founder and CEO of Electron

ADB approves $300 million loan to increase Indonesia’s geothermal electricity capacity

  • 2020-06-01 05:56:59.503202
  • David Flin

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $300 million loan to help PT Geo Dipa Energi (GDE), an Indonesian state-owned company, expand it geothermal power generation capacity by 110MW in Java, the country’s largest electricity grid.

Rolls-Royce starts pilot project on using stationary fuel cells for stationary power generation

  • 2019-12-05 06:03:09.470994
  • David Flin

Rolls-Royce and Lab1886, an innovation lab within the Mercedes-Benz group, have agreed to jointly develop the use of vehicle fuel cells for stationary power generation.

Digital Revolution: how blockchain is lagging behind investors’ expectations

  • 2019-09-08 22:26:51.510271
  • Junior Isles

Despite the large levels of investment in blockchain, the question remains: when will we see scalable, commercial blockchain solutions that can drive real value in the utility industry?

By Robert Schwarz, Principal Consultant, ÅF Pöyry

Taking a shared value approach to energy

  • 2019-07-09 11:49:32
  • Junior Isles

Climate-conscious companies across the globe and across industries are starting to invest more in shared value strategies for business growth.  The electricity landscape is a prime example of this. As it undergoes a transformation, becoming more complex than ever before with rapidly evolving technologies, declining costs, and shifting regulatory landscapes, the electricity grid’s shared infrastructure provides the underserved with access to affordable services.

By Marga Hoek

MAN delivering six diesel-fired engines to Bangladesh

  • 2019-04-23 04:45:38
  • David Flin

MAN Energy Solutions has announced that it will provide the generation technology for two power plants in Bangladesh.

Turkey targets 2000 MW geothermal power generation capacity by 2020

  • 2019-03-14 05:23:27
  • David Flin

The Turkish Association of Geothermal Investors (JESDER) has said that it expects there to be a geothermal-based power generation capacity of 2000 MW by 2020, up from its current level of 1347 MW.

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