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Total Results : 4

Tepco and Toshiba to manage power grids in Cambodia

  • 2017-04-18 04:16:40.728085
  • David Flin

Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) and Toshiba are working together to manage power grids in Cambodia, hoping to secure a new earnings source as the utility grapples with the clean-up costs of Fukushima.

Toshiba forecasts £7 billion losses, and may not survive

  • 2017-04-12 07:22:11.440590
  • David Flin

Toshiba has warned that it is facing annual losses of over £7 billion, and the future of the company is in doubt as a result of financial difficulties at its nuclear power plant construction business.

Moorside nuclear power project in UK in doubt

  • 2017-04-03 07:37:47
  • David Flin

The financial crisis at Toshiba has put the planned new nuclear plant at Moorside, Cumbria, UK in doubt.

Toshiba reports $6.3 billion nuclear hit and slides to loss

  • 2017-02-15 04:08:36
  • David Flin

Japan’s Toshiba has announced that it will book a $6.3 billion hit to its US nuclear unit, a writedown that wipes out its shareholder equity, and leaves the group scrambling for capital.

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