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Total Results : 410

Saudi Arabia awards 3 GW CCGT contract for Qurayyah

  • 2025-03-25 05:37:46
  • David Flin

Saudi Arabia has awarded a $2.6 billion contract to a Spanish-Egyptian joint venture to build a 3 GW CCGT in the Eastern Province of the country.

Doosan to build three CCGT plants in Saudi Arabia

  • 2025-03-18 06:44:51
  • David Flin

Doosan Enerbility has signed a $612 million with the Saudi Electric Power Corporation (SEPC) to build the 1.8 GW PP12 CCGT power plant in Saudi Arabia.

Oilon develops low emission level gas burner

  • 2025-03-14 06:59:54
  • David Flin

Oilon has reported very low NOx emission levels for its new LN30 burner, enabling an almost 90 per cent NOx reduction in a retrofit burner installation.

Siemens Energy wins $1.6 billion Saudi contract

  • 2025-03-13 06:59:47
  • David Flin

Siemens Energy has won a $1.6 billion contract to provide core equipment for two Saudi gas-fired power plants – Rumah 2 and Nairyah 2 – located in the country’s western and central regions.

Iraq seeks energy independence by 2028

  • 2025-03-06 07:12:07
  • David Flin

Iraq is pursuing six energy diversification strategies to phase out Iranian gas and electricity imports by 2028 so that it avoids US sanctions.

Doosan wins $200 million gas power plant contract in Qatar

  • 2025-03-05 07:20:16
  • David Flin

Doosan Enerbility has won an EPC contract to build a 500 MW gas-fired power project worth $200 million from Qatar Electricity and Water Company (QEWC).

Saudi Arabia to expand Qurayyah IPP by 3.01 GW

  • 2025-02-24 04:07:44
  • David Flin

Saudi AraSaudi Arabia has announced that it will invest $3.57 billion to expand the Qurayyah CCGT IPP in the Eastern Province by 3.01 GW.bia has announced that it will invest $3.57 billion to expand the Qurayyah CCGT IPP in the Eastern Province by 3.01 GW.

Ormat starts commercial operation of 35 MW Ijen geothermal power plant in Indonesia

  • 2025-02-11 05:51:37
  • David Flin

Ormat Technologies has announced the successful start of commercial operations for the 35 MW Ijen geothermal power plant.

US DOE to expand baseload generation and abandon net-zero policies

  • 2025-02-07 06:08:30
  • David Flin

The US DOE will concentrate on growing baseload generation to meet growing electricity demand, according to DOE Secretary Wright.

Blackstone to buy $1 billion Virginia power plant near data centres

  • 2025-01-24 06:35:16
  • David Flin

Blackstone has agreed to acquire Potomac Energy Centre, a 774 MW natural gas-fired power plant in Loudon County, Virginia, USA.

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