Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific (MHI-AP), a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, has signed an MOU with PTT to jointly conduct a pre-feasibility study to explore using 100 per cent ammonia for gas turbine power generation in Thailand, to support the country’s decarbonisation goals.
Italy’s Energy Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin has announced that Italy will close all of its remaining coal-fired power stations by 2025, except for Sardinia. He said that Italy would build natural gas plants instead.
BHI of South Korea has won a $150 million contract to supply HRSGs for Saudi Arabia’s largest CCGT power plant construction project, the SEPCO-3 project led by Shandong Electric Power Construction Corporation.
Meralco PowerGen and Aboitiz Power are jointly investing an estimated $3.3 billion in two of San Miguel Global Power Holding’s gas-fired power plants in the Philippines.
The German government has announced it intends to call for tenders for initially 10 GW of new gas-fired power station capacity, which must later be switched to running on green hydrogen.
Iberdrola has closed the sale of 55 per cent of its business in Mexico for around $6.2 billion. The transaction includes the sale of 13 generation plants with a combined installed capacity of 8539 MW.
GE Vernova has been selected by the South Australian Government to supply the turbines for what will be the world’s largest green hydrogen power plant to be built near Whyalla, South Australia, Australia.
Wärtsilä has announced it has signed a contract with the city of Farmington in New Mexico, USA, to supply the generating equipment for an 18 MW expansion to an existing power plant.
Veolia, via its Hungarian subsidiary, has signed an agreement with Uniper for the acquisition of a 430 MW CCGT power plant.
GE Vernova’s Gas Power business and EnergyAustralia have announced that the 320 MW Tallawarra B power station in New South Wales, Australia has opened.