Blog - Guest Blogs & Editorials

Investing towards net zero

  • 1 year, 9 months ago (2022-09-21)
  • Junior Isles

To achieve net zero, significant, concerted, coordinated and balanced investment is a critical must-have.

By Jonathan Hick, Investment Director at Triple Point Investment Management, and fund manager of the Triple Point Energy Transition plc – TENT

Measure better, or better measures? ONS launches quarterly climate reporting

  • 1 year, 10 months ago (2022-08-05)
  • Junior Isles

The British government has confirmed its commitment to integrating nature into economic and fiscal decision-making, but progress is slow. A significant step in this regard was recently taken with publishing of the first set of quarterly greenhouse gas emissions and environmental statistics.

By Alistair Taylor, Trainee Solicitor at Browne Jacobson

Hydrogen villages

  • 2 years ago (2022-06-12)
  • Junior Isles

First Hydrogen is looking to develop a green hydrogen generation infrastructure in the form of a ‘hydrogen village’. The announcement helps illustrate both the opportunities arising out of the UK’s hydrogen strategy, but also the real-world challenges that lie ahead.

By Nick Smee, Partner, Browne Jacobson

Tackling the climate emergency requires a reassessment of the UK climate strategy

  • 2 years ago (2022-05-20)
  • Junior Isles

While the UK has already announced initiatives aimed at combatting climate change, it needs to do more. There needs to be increased focus on creating solutions that will help the country play its part in lowering global carbon emissions, while navigating the energy crisis.

By Simon Daniel, Founder, Moixa

Coming clean on the cost of energy transition

  • 2 years ago (2022-05-08)
  • Junior Isles

Dr Vincent Thornley, Managing Director at FUNDAMENTALS Ltd., explores why there needs to be greater transparency around the cost of moving towards clean energy sources to make any future transition successful.

Putting the “smart” into smart grids: a recipe for success

  • 2 years ago (2022-02-26)
  • Junior Isles

Without a change in how we produce and distribute electricity, there won’t be a truly cleaner future. This is where smart, digital grids of the future come into play. 

By David Hall, VP Power Systems at Schneider Electric UK & Ireland

The efficiency conundrum: doing more, so you can use less

  • 2 years ago (2022-02-16)
  • Junior Isles

Commercial buildings use around 40 per cent of global energy, emitting nearly a third of the world’s greenhouse gases. By installing comprehensive building management platforms, businesses can achieve energy efficiency, and if best practices are adopted worldwide, businesses can achieve their individual journeys towards reaching net-zero carbon emissions, while helping the planet for all.

By Jamie Cameron, Director of Digital Solutions at Johnson Controls

New year, same goals: maintaining the momentum in the fight against climate change

  • 2 years ago (2022-02-13)
  • Junior Isles

With COP26 now in the rearview mirror, it is vital that pledges made are not forgotten ahead of COP27.

By Simon Daniel, Founder of Moixa

The growing threat of energy theft amid rise in crypto mining

  • 2 years ago (2022-02-13)
  • Junior Isles

Crypto mining is becoming more widely associated with the criminal act of meter tampering because of the high levels of energy used to power mining equipment. But how do you spot the signs of tampering and what are the implications of energy theft?

By Lloyd Birkhead, Group Managing Director at Grosvenor Services Group, part of Echo Managed Services

We need a more sustainable model for offshore wind growth

  • 2 years ago (2022-02-10)
  • Junior Isles

Demand for ever bigger blades and platforms to accelerate offshore wind capacity will require exponentially bigger installation fleets, facilities, tools and technologies. Without radical change, this situation risks creating greener electricity at the expense of more unsustainable materials and methods.

By George Morrison, Director, Aquaterra Energy