Blog - Guest Blogs & Editorials

Five reasons why the energy industry needs blockchain

  • 3 years ago (2020-10-02)
  • Junior Isles

Enterprise blockchain provider Protokol outlines five blockchain use cases for energy, oil and gas, illustrating why the energy industry needs to adopt blockchain now.

By Lars Rensing, CEO, Protokol

Net Zero: Time to turn ambition into action

  • 3 years ago (2020-09-18)
  • Junior Isles

Achieving net zero calls for four times as much clean power as now for the UK to stop burning polluting fossil fuels, and the Climate Change Committee says nearly 40 per cent of that needs to come from firm sources. Some argue nuclear is the best way to get there.

By Tom Greatrex , Chief Executive of the Nuclear Industry Association

SIPF’s second wave: innovation and decarbonisation

  • 3 years ago (2020-09-11)
  • Junior Isles

There is a significant shortfall between the UK’s emission reductions likely to be delivered by the government’s current policies and its commitment to net-zero emissions by 2050. R&D schemes, which develop and promote cutting-edge, low carbon processes and technologies, as well as local expertise and supply chains, can help to address this shortfall. It is therefore no surprise that a number of the recipients of the second wave of the Strength in Places Fund reflect broader government policies around decarbonisation.

By Deborah Greenwood, Senior Consultant, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP

A Climate Bond may be the silver bullet to avoiding another global catastrophe

  • 3 years ago (2020-08-12)
  • Junior Isles

Eddie O’Connor, Chairman and Founder of Mainstream Renewable Power, the world’s only pure-play renewables development company, believes the energy industry is at a crossroads and needs to choose the right path for a truly sustainable recovery.

Europe’s hidden carbon import: high performance computing

  • 3 years ago (2020-08-12)
  • Junior Isles

While we can easily conceptualise about carbon when it comes to tangible things like steel, or cars, what about when those imports are a little more intangible, such as when booting up Netflix? What might be the hidden carbon imports that we’re not even thinking about?

By Niclas Adler, CEO at Synthesis Analytics, and serial Swedish entrepreneur

Italian renewable energy sector: simplification of authorisation procedures

  • 3 years ago (2020-08-12)
  • Junior Isles

The energy sector is one of the key points of the "Initiatives to relaunch Italy 2020-2022" plan, released on 16th June 2020, providing the urgent reforms aimed to restart the Italian economy.

By Guglielmo Fabbricatore, Counsel and Head of Energy in Italy at DWF​

Three priorities for a green recovery in the utilities sector

  • 3 years ago (2020-07-10)
  • Junior Isles

By David Hall, Power Systems VP UK & Ireland at Schneider Electric

The utilities industry has a vital role to play in driving a green economic recovery. There are three priorities for the energy industry to consider.


Repowering and corporate PPAs under the EU renewables directive

  • 3 years ago (2020-07-07)
  • Junior Isles

As the issues tackled by the EU renewables directive include repowering and corporate PPAs, investors in EU member states can expect changes as soon as by 30 June 2021.  

By Piotr Michajłow and Karol Lasocki, DWF

The European Union: out of the race for civil nuclear geopolitics?

  • 4 years ago (2020-07-01)
  • Junior Isles

While many regions were trying to shape up their R&D investments, the European Union was removing itself from the race for civil nuclear. Now, with the challenge of achieving an sustainable energy future, it is looking to get a seat at the table.

By Benita Dreesen

Save our start-ups! A battle cry against coronavirus

  • 4 years ago (2020-06-16)
  • Junior Isles

The ecosystem is an essential facet of Europe’s future economy. Without it, there is simply no way we can rise to meet the climate and environmental challenges that we are facing. Yet many of the start-ups and entrepreneurs that underpin this ecosystem are falling between the cracks of state-led support and have limited access to credit.

By Elena Bou, Innovation Director, EIT InnoEnergy