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Innovation funding: What the energy industry really needs from COP28

  • 6 months ago (2023-12-11)
  • Junior Isles

Innovation funding is the crucial missing piece of the puzzle needed to start driving clean energy technologies forward at the pace required.

By Andrew Keen, Head of Content, Energy & Resources, Industrials at Edison Group

Is the National Grid the true obstacle to the green industrial revolution?

  • 7 months ago (2023-11-08)
  • Junior Isles

Is the National Grid the true obstacle to the green industrial revolution?

The calls for the Green Industrial Revolution have never been louder. As the world grapples with the urgent need to transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy, in the UK the role of the National Grid in this transformation has come under scrutiny. This article discusses what the true obstacles to this revolution are, amidst a perpetual “blame game” between the industry, network operators and the government.

By Zoe Stollard, Partner, Browne Jacobson

The power of energy management: how to save costs and influence people

  • 8 months ago (2023-10-17)
  • Junior Isles

Energy suppliers are increasingly being pressed to keep costs low and resources optimised. At the same time they are being pressed to satisfy customer demands, remain competitive, and ensure the business remains viable for years to come. This can be a challenge whether a seasoned energy supplier or a newcomer to the market. So how should they tackle these issues head-on?

By David Sheldrake, SVP of Sales360, POWWR

Financing the future of hydrogen

  • 8 months ago (2023-10-06)
  • Junior Isles

With only around 9 per cent of new green hydrogen projects under construction or having reached final investment decision stage, Nadim Chaudhry, Chief Executive Officer, World Hydrogen Leaders, takes a look at the challenges and likely pathways to drive the industry forward.

Preparing electric utility operators for the effects of climate change

  • 9 months ago (2023-09-20)
  • Junior Isles

Many electric utility operators are already taking measures to establish resilient networks capable of withstanding the impacts of climate change. Research indicates that every dollar invested in building resilient infrastructure saves six dollars in future repair costs, making it a beneficial long-term investment. So what are the key steps utilities can take?

Adrian McNulty, VP Utility Solutions, IQGeo

Grid inadequacy makes renewable growth futile

  • 9 months ago (2023-09-08)
  • Junior Isles

A rise in renewable energy is futile if our grids can’t keep pace with the growth.

By Frédéric Godemel, EVP Power Systems and Services at Schneider Electric 

Hydrogen: the fuel of the future?

  • 9 months ago (2023-09-08)
  • Junior Isles

The untapped potential of green hydrogen is key to decarbonisation and achieving net zero targets but more long-term projects are needed to meet 2050 demand forecast.

Olga Bezhentseva, Director Commercial Advisory, Mazars

Connecting the dots for hydrogen

  • 10 months ago (2023-09-01)
  • Junior Isles

Green, or low carbon, hubs located within economic free zones and coupled with the designation of spoke infrastructure as national critical infrastructure, could put the UK on the path to achieve its 10 GW hydrogen production capacity target by 2030

Gavin Watson, Partner at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Hydrogen: Is it as sustainable as it seems?

  • 10 months ago (2023-08-19)
  • Junior Isles

If the production of green hydrogen is causing aquifer depletion or groundwater pollution because of how the feed water is extracted or the effluent is being disposed of, then it does somewhat undermine its environmental benefits.  If the production of hydrogen is to be both green and sustainable, developers will need to consider new and innovative disposal methods

By Gavin Bollan, Technical Director, ITPEnergised

The criticality of digital technology in electrification and meeting net zero targets

  • 10 months ago (2023-08-11)
  • Junior Isles

Digital software provides the foundation for wide-scale adoption of electricity as a power source but to maximise value from distributed power a reality, developments in digital software will be required.

by Ron Beck, Senior Director, AspenTech