Blog - Guest Blogs & Editorials

The energy sector and cyber security: the other capacity gap

  • 5 years ago (2018-10-09)
  • Junior Isles

Here is a statement that I’m sure most of our industry leaders would agree with: Society needs energy, and demand will only grow. We need more power and to be smarter about how we use it to maintain security of supply. Now replace the word ‘power’ with ‘cyber security resource’. Would as many people agree? They should.

By Anjos Nijk, Managing Director at ENCS


UK nuclear energy: Why does Moorside matter?

  • 5 years ago (2018-10-09)
  • Junior Isles

Three hundred of the best and brightest in the UK’s nuclear industry gathered at this year’s Cumbria Nuclear Conference (CNC), to discuss the importance of collaboration, not just in Cumbria, but across the industry. The Moorside project’s significant impact on Cumbria was a hot topic.

By Craig Hatch, Managing Director, Surveying & Asset Management, WYG


Europe can be the global centre of clean energy innovation – but it needs a spark

  • 5 years ago (2018-10-02)
  • Junior Isles

Europe can be the global centre of clean energy innovation. All the ingredients are there. But there’s one crucial ingredient that we are a little short on: in Europe, we need more clean energy innovators and entrepreneurs.

By Frank Gielen, Education Director for InnoEnergy


Powering the Dragon

  • 5 years ago (2018-09-29)
  • Junior Isles

China’s power sector reforms represent perhaps the world’s largest industrial reform programme, with important consequences globally as well as new opportunities domestically.

by Christian Romig, Head of Management Consulting for China at Pöyry

RESS: Encouraging energy diversity in Ireland

  • 5 years ago (2018-08-23)
  • Junior Isles

It has been a long time coming, but the Irish government has finally announced its new support scheme for renewables for the next decade.

By Andrew Ryan, Partner, TLT, Northern Ireland

Utilities need to grasp what’s going on behind the meter

  • 5 years ago (2018-08-02)
  • Junior Isles

There’s an uncomfortable truth emerging alongside the proliferation of distributed energy resources (DERs) being integrated onto the grid; traditional grid management systems at the distribution level can often no longer adequately grasp what’s going on behind the meter.

By Sachin Gupta, Senior Sales Director – North America, OMNETRIC

IT portfolio management: reclaim power

  • 6 years ago (2018-06-20)
  • Junior Isles

UK utilities know they must deliver more on customer service, efficiency and costs, but figures show that their efforts are stalling. 

By Saul Zambrano,  Global Industry Director for Energy and Utilities at Software AG

Shining a light on independent solar connections

  • 6 years ago (2018-06-08)
  • Junior Isles

When it comes to connecting new solar facilities to the National Grid, appointing an Independent Connection Provider can be an economic, efficient and standardised option for developers. Dave Ogden, commercial director at Smith Brothers, explores the benefits that can be gained from enlisting such turnkey service providers.

Energy companies can't afford not to be digitalized any more

  • 6 years ago (2018-05-29)
  • Junior Isles

If you had to provide the documentation for any construction that your company has worked on, could you do it in 24 hours or would you be stuck paying daily fines until you could deliver what regulators say you should have on hand at a moment’s notice?

By John Nixon, Senior Director Energy and Utilities at Siemens PLM Software

Knowledge is power

  • 6 years ago (2018-05-28)
  • Junior Isles

Understanding the EU clean energy package is the first step to success

By Leonardo Meesus, Professor at Vlerick Business School and Florence School of Regulation