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Total Results : 85

Nordex Group to supply turbines for Peru wind farm

  • 2022-04-15 07:09:47.284707
  • David Flin

Nordex has won a contract from Acciona Energía to supply wind turbines for the 131 MW San Juan de Marcona wind farm in southwestern Peru.

GE awarded contract to modernise São Simão hydropower plant

  • 2022-03-29 07:17:17
  • David Flin

GE Renewable Energy’s Hydro division has signed a contract with SPIC Brasil to lead the modernisation of São Simão Hydroelectric Power Plant’s generating units and auxiliary services.

GE wins equipment order for CCGT in Panama

  • 2022-03-24 07:15:11.485362
  • David Flin

GE has won an order to deliver power generation equipment capable of generating 670 MW for Generadora Gatún power plant in Panama.

Shell proposes offshore wind projects for Brazil

  • 2022-03-22 06:17:19.415844
  • David Flin

Shell has announced a plan to develop new offshore wind projects off the coast of Brazil.

APR Energy to supply Evolution Power Partners with gas-fired power plant

  • 2022-02-09 07:42:25.908460
  • David Flin

US power plant builder APR Energy (APR) has announced that it will supply Evolution Power Partners (EPP) with a 228 MW gas-fired power plant, to be located in Itaguai, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Argentina to sign $35 billion financing deal with China

  • 2022-02-02 07:03:52.389445
  • David Flin

The Argentine government is expected to sign a financing agreement with China to secure $35 billion for infrastructure projects under a five-year investment plan.

Brazil power generation capacity to grow 37 per cent in 10 years

  • 2022-01-26 06:12:22.630561
  • David Flin

The Brazil government said that the country’s power generation capacity will increase by 37 per cent from 200 GW to 275 GW over the next 10 years.

GE Renewable Energy awarded O&M contract for Brazil hydropower plant

  • 2021-12-08 07:58:53.641327
  • David Flin

GE Renewable Energy’s Hydro Solutions has signed an O&M contract for the 210 MW Igarapava Hydroelectric Power Plant, located in Rio Grande in the Paraná River basin in Brazil. 

Siemens Energy wins Brazilian order for LNG-to-power complex

  • 2021-11-24 07:45:23.107476
  • David Flin

Siemens Energy has won an order for the turnkey construction of the CCGT plant UTE GNA II, located at Port of Açu in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro. 

Wind power exceeds 20 GW of installed capacity in Brazil

  • 2021-11-22 06:37:19.305106
  • David Flin

Brazil’s National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) passed 45.9 MW of wind turbines in wind farms for commercial operation, taking Brazil past 20 GW of installed capacity in wind power generation.

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