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Total Results : 140

Tarbela hydropower plant to become largest power generation facility in Pakistan

  • 2018-04-23 06:06:47.226184
  • David Flin

The Tarbela Hydropower Plant will become the largest power generation facility in Pakistan on completion of a fifth extension project, taking its total output to 6298 MW.

BC Hydro awards $1.26 billion contracts for Site C hydropower project

  • 2018-03-20 05:11:32.377212
  • David Flin

Canada’s BC Hydro has awarded three contracts with a combined value of more than $1.26 billion for the 1100 MW Site C hydropower project in the Canadian province of British Columbia.

EBRD provides loan to support privatisation of Turkish hydropower plants

  • 2018-03-15 06:25:34.370870
  • David Flin

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting the privatisation of state-owned hydropower plants in Turkey with a $55 million loan to a subsidiary of Koc Holding.

KOSPO plans for wind plants and 100 small hydro units by 2019

  • 2017-09-26 04:51:36.102376
  • David Flin

Korea Southern Power Co (KOSPO) has announced that it will be making significant investments into new and renewable energy projects.

China in talks to sell hydropower to Myanmar

  • 2017-08-04 06:54:56
  • David Flin

Myanmar is in initial talks to buy electricity from China, according to officials in both China and Myanmar.

Yukon study on impacts of climate change on hydropower generation

  • 2017-07-26 06:35:47.393031
  • David Flin

A three-year, $1 million study in the Yukon, Canada will investigate how a changing climate could impact future hydropower generation.

GE Renewable Energy to provide Cube Hydro with aerating turbines

  • 2017-07-03 05:34:45.354623
  • David Flin

GE Renewable Energy and Cube Hydro Partners have announced that they have entered into an agreement to provide three aerating turbines for the High Rock hydropower plant in North Carolina, USA.

Dominion Energy to invest over $1 billion in hydroelectric storage pump station

  • 2017-06-26 04:52:08.604062
  • David Flin

Dominion Energy has announced that it is planning to invest around $1.8 billion in the construction of a pumped hydroelectric storage station in southwest Virginia, USA.

Study into increasing Tasmanian hydropower

  • 2017-04-21 05:51:12.207916
  • David Flin

Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s Prime Minister, has said that Hydro Tasmania will work with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (Arena) to study how to increase energy output from Tasmania’s existing hydropower system.

Veresen selling power generation business for $1.18 billion

  • 2017-02-22 04:20:17
  • David Flin

Veresen of Canada has announced that it is selling its power generation business to several buyers for a total of $1.18 billion.

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