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MAN delivering six diesel-fired engines to Bangladesh

  • 5 years ago (2019-04-23)
  • David Flin
Asia 929 Distributed energy 10 Oil 19

MAN Energy Solutions has announced that it will provide the generation technology for two power plants in Bangladesh. The two plants will total more than 170 MW in generating capacity.

EM-Power 2025
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EM-Power 2025

The first plant in the Thakurgaon district will be driven by six 18V48/60TS engines, giving a combined capacity of 125 MW. The second plant in Narayagani will use three 18V48/60TS engines, with a combined power generation capacity of 58 MW.

The first facility will be operated by Energypac Power Generation, and the second will be operated by KPPGL. Officials from both companies said that each location presented difficult logistical challenges.

Waldemar Wiesner, head of Middle East power plant sales at MAN Energy Solutions, said: “For our team in Bangladesh, assembling the engines on-site has been a particular challenge and placed the highest demands on precise project management. However, our flexibility when it comes to project management means that we can guarantee energy supplies – even in hard-to-reach regions across the world.”

The diesel-fired MAN 18V4860TS has two turbochargers, and can generate up to 21 MW per engine.