Articles - Past and present news from The Energy Industry Times

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KNOC to build floating wind power plant in East Sea

  • 3 years ago (2020-09-09)
  • David Flin

Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC) has signed a cooperation agreement with Hyundai Heavy Industries to build a floating wind power plant at Donghae Gas Field 1 in the East Sea off South Korea.

GE wins equipment contract for CCGT projects in Taiwan

  • 3 years ago (2020-09-08)
  • David Flin

GE has been selected as the successful bidder for the 6500 MW Hsinta and Taichung combined cycle power plants initiated by Taiwan Power Company (TPC).

Queensland establishes $500 million fund to meet 2030 renewable energy target

  • 3 years ago (2020-09-07)
  • David Flin

The Queensland state government has boosted its chances of reaching a 50 per cent renewable energy target by 2030 with the establishment of a $500 million Renewable Energy Fund.

GE Renewable Energy brings two wind farms online in Turkey

  • 3 years ago (2020-09-04)
  • David Flin

GE Renewable Energy has announced that it has completed the installation and commissioning of the 53 MW Kirazli and 32 MW Meryem wind farms in Turkey.

German power sector CO2 emissions reach pre-Covid-19 level

  • 3 years ago (2020-09-03)
  • David Flin

Power sector emissions in Germany reached their highest level last month since before the onset of Covid-19, as lower renewable output and increased cooling demand from a heatwave boosted output from thermal power plants.

Siemens Gamesa wins 325 MW onshore wind projects in Texas, USA

  • 3 years ago (2020-09-02)
  • David Flin

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy (SGRE) has won two new onshore wind projects in Texas, with a total installed capacity of 325 MW.

Siemens Energy to supply 900 MW Cascade Power Plant to Kineticor in Canada

  • 3 years ago (2020-09-01)
  • David Flin

Siemens Energy has won a contract for the supply and long-term service of the planned 900 MW Cascade Power Plant in Alberta, Canada.

NuScale Power’s SMR receives design approval

  • 3 years ago (2020-08-31)
  • David Flin

NuScale Power has announced that the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has completed the last phase of the Design Certification Application (DCA) for the company’s SMR with the issuance of the Final Safety Evaluation Report (FSER).

EDF to close UK Hunterston B nuclear power plant by Jan 2022

  • 3 years ago (2020-08-28)
  • David Flin

EDF has announced it will begin decommissioning its Hunterston B nuclear power plant in Scotland by January 2022.

Rosatom to make remix fuel for VVER-1000 reactors

  • 3 years ago (2020-08-27)
  • David Flin

Rosatom has said that it will make remix (regenerated mixture) uranium-plutonium fuel for VVER-1000 reactors.