Articles - Past and present news from The Energy Industry Times

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UK government strikes Hinkley Point C deal

  • 10 years ago (2013-10-21)
  • Junior Isles

The UK government and EDF Energy have agreed the Contract for Difference, which will determine the price consumers will pay for the electricity generated by the proposed Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant.

VRA plans expansion of power generation

  • 10 years ago (2013-10-19)
  • David Flin
The Volta River Authority (VRA) of Ghana has announced plans to increase electricity availability and accessibility by adding significant new capacity.

US federal court strikes down plant construction subsidy rule

  • 10 years ago (2013-10-15)
  • Junior Isles
The US state of New Jersey will not be allowed to subsidise construction of new gas-fired power plants, a federal judge decided, ruling in favour competing generators who sued to stop the subsidies.

China adjusts gas and coal-fired generation power prices

  • 10 years ago (2013-10-15)
  • Junior Isles
China will raise the energy price paid to power generators using natural gas in an attempt to encourage its uses as a cleaner fuel and address possible gas supply shortages, according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

Texas power providers seek fees to ensure generation reserves

  • 10 years ago (2013-10-12)
  • David Flin
Electricity providers in Texas have said that they should be paid by households and businesses to ensure that there is enough generation capacity to meet peak demand.

Beijing to replace coal fired generation with gas

  • 10 years ago (2013-10-07)
  • David Flin
Chinese authorities are to build four new natural gas plants by the end of 2014 to replace coal-fired power generation in Beijing, according to recent reports.

EIB to lend €100 million for modernisation of Russian power generation

  • 10 years ago (2013-10-05)
  • David Flin
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has announced that it will lend €100 million to support the modernisation of power and heat generation technology in Vladivostok.

Kenya invites bids for 1800 MW of new capacity

  • 10 years ago (2013-10-03)
  • Junior Isles
Kenya has invited bids from investors to develop a new gas and a new coal fired power plant, with a combined output of up to 1800 MW, the ministry of energy has announced.

IEA data shows coal expected to supplant natural gas in SE Asia

  • 10 years ago (2013-10-03)
  • Junior Isles
Coal is to replace natural gas as Southeast Asia’s dominant energy source, with the region expected to nearly double its energy consumption over the coming two decades, according to data from the International Energy Agency (IEA)’s Southeast Asia Energy Outlook.

Electricity generation in India to grow 5.7 per cent in 2013-14

  • 10 years ago (2013-09-28)
  • David Flin
The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) has said that it expects total electricity generation in the country to grow by 5.7 per cent in 2013-14, as compared to a 4 per cent rise recorded in 2012-13.