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China’s installed wind capacity hits 7 per cent

  • 9 years ago (2015-02-12)
  • Junior Isles
Asia 859 Renewables 757

According to the National Energy Administration the installed grid-connected wind power capacity in China increased by nearly 26 per cent to 96.37 GW in 2014 – nearly 7 per cent of the country's total output.

WNA 2024
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WNA 2024

After a rapid construction programme and a strong effort to make sure that new projects are connected to the national grid, China is on track to meeting its five-year plan (2011-2015) target of 100 GW.
The NEA said on its website that newly built wind capacity hit a new record of 19.81 GW in 2014, while a total of 77 GW is now under construction.

Totalling 2.78 per cent of the total, the NEA said that total wind power generation had reached 153.4 billion kWh in 2014.

Furthermore, the NEA also stated last month that China’s total energy power capacity had reached 1360 GW at the end of last year, which was up nearly 8.7 per cent on the previous year. Total power generation stood at 5.523 trillion kWh, an increase of 3.8 per cent.