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Total Results : 914

Afghanistan’s Taliban Government signs 3 solar power agreements

  • 2024-07-19 06:05:10
  • David Flin

Afghanistan’s Ministry of Energy and Water has announced the signing of three agreements for solar power generation projects valued at $25 million with Awfi Bahram Mining, a private company.

Taiwan’s energy demand predicted to grow 13 per cent by 2030

  • 2024-07-16 07:07:06
  • David Flin

Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) Energy Administration has predicted that the country’s electricity consumption will grow 13 per cent by 2030.

Karnataka plans 40 solar panels on 40 lakes

  • 2024-07-15 06:03:48
  • David Flin

The Karnataka state government in India has identified 40 lakes with a total surface area of 10 000 acres where floating solar panels will be installed to generate solar power.

More coal-fired power plants for Philippines

  • 2024-07-12 06:42:04
  • David Flin

Rowena Cristina Guevara, Energy Undersecretary for the Philippines, said that nine coal-fired power projects with a combined capacity of 2255 MW will become operational in the next three years.

India’s solar output grows at slowest pace for 6 years

  • 2024-07-04 06:34:06
  • David Flin

India’s solar power generation grew at its slowest pace in six years over the first half of 2024, according to data from the country’s federal grid regulator, as India stepped up reliance on coal to meet power demand.

Coal reliance growing in Philippines and Indonesia

  • 2024-07-02 06:26:24
  • David Flin

A report from the climate and energy think tank Ember says that coal accounts for an increasing share of electricity generation in the Philippines and Indonesia, which have become the world’s most coal-dependent nations, overtaking Poland and China which have both reduced their dependence.

Uttar Pradesh to generate 5255 MW from 10 new coal-fired power plants

  • 2024-06-24 06:47:13
  • David Flin

The government of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has announced that it will increase power generation by approximately 5225 MW through 10 new coal-fired power plants over the next three years, in a bid to make the state self-reliant in electricity production.

China solar and hydro output surge

  • 2024-06-18 07:21:51
  • David Flin

China has reduced power generation from fossil fuels as output from sunlight and water surges, suggesting that China’s emission levels may have peaked.

Suki Kinari hydropower plant begins wet testing

  • 2024-06-17 06:29:37
  • David Flin

The first unit (Unit 4) of Pakistan’s Suki Kinari Hydropower Station, the largest hydropower plant invested in and constructed by China Energy Construction Overseas Investment Co, has successfully entered wet testing.

India will require $215 billion to reach 500 GW renewable energy by 2030

  • 2024-06-13 06:50:52
  • David Flin

According to a report from Moody’s Ratings, “India will require $190-$215 billion of investment over the next seven years to achieve the target of 500 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030.”

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