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Total Results : 324

Nigeria and USA to collaborate on IPPs

  • 2010-05-06 05:35:10
  • David Flin

Nigeria and the USA are in discussions over plans to collaborate on IPPs to increase Nigeria’s electricity generation capacity from its current level of 3700 MW to 10,000 MW by 2011.

Zesco proposes 36 per cent tariff increase

  • 2010-04-23 06:02:46
  • David Flin

ZESCO (Zambia Electricity Supply Company) has asked for permission to increase its electricity tariff’s for 2010/11 by 36 per cent, in line with its roadmap to become self-supporting, according to ZESCO’s Acting Managing Director, Ernest Mupwaya.

Ghana unsure of gas supply from Nigeria

  • 2010-03-29 06:01:15
  • David Flin

Ghana has expressed doubt over the ability of Nigeria to supply gas needed for power generation in three countries under the West African Gas Pipeline Project (WAGPP).

Eskom predicts tight power supply for 2013-14

  • 2010-03-07 06:50:39
  • David Flin

South African utility Eskom has said that the country will have a power surplus during this year’s football World Cup, but that supply will be very tight from 2013 to 2014, and the country will have to save energy to avoid blackouts.

Eskom coal stockpile now stands at 36 days

  • 2010-02-01 10:03:13
  • David Flin

According to Brian Dames, Head of Power Generation for Eskom, the South African utility has built up its coal stockpile to an average of 36 days, and plans to achieve its 42 day target before the Soccer World Cup and the onset of winter.

Mozambique plans to build dam on Nhandale River

  • 2009-12-29 06:01:35
  • David Flin

Copenhagen conference floundering

  • 2009-12-15 11:19:20
  • David Flin

Walk-outs, lack of agreements and disputes have marked the Copenhagen Conference to date.

Tuvalu, new world power

  • 2009-12-11 12:00:02
  • David Flin

In , the island state of has proposed two major agenda items that have brought about an effective suspension of activities by both the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC (COP) and the Conference of Parties Acting as the Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP). has insisted on a formal debate at COP and CMP regarding its agenda items.

Kenya to set up $2 billion energy fund

  • 2009-11-30 06:13:15
  • David Flin

The Kenyan government has announced that it will set up a $2 billion revolving fund to lend to those investing in green electricity generating projects.

Call to raise power price to stimulate competition to Eskom

  • 2009-11-19 09:40:38
  • David Flin

Consultants Frost & Sullivan say that the South African government should raise electricity tariffs to a level that will allow Eskom and independent power producers to operate.

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