Articles - Past and present news from The Energy Industry Times

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RWE to reduce power generation business

  • 11 years ago (2013-01-26)
  • David Flin

Germany’s move to exit nuclear power and shift to renewables within the next decade has caused the country’s second largest utility, RWE, to fundamentally rethink its business.

Toshiba and GE to further joint power development to keep up with rivals

  • 11 years ago (2013-01-25)
  • Junior Isles
Power giants Toshiba and General Electric (GE) have announced plans to deepen their cooperation on thermal power generation to keep up with rivals Hitachi and Mitsubishi Heavy.

Siemens Nigeria reaffirms commitment to 10 000 MW plant project

  • 11 years ago (2013-01-22)
  • Junior Isles
Siemens Nigeria Limited has reaffirmed its commitment to the promised construction of a 10 000 MW capacity power station in the country, according to local journalists.

Chile prepares to add 2.2 GW of solar power generation

  • 11 years ago (2013-01-22)
  • David Flin

Chile’s National Energy Commission (CNE) said that it was feasible to connect up to 2.2 GW of solar plants to the national grid over the next 15 years.

Wind power top in new US generation capacity for 2012

  • 11 years ago (2013-01-20)
  • David Flin

With Federal tax credits expiring at year-end 2012, US wind energy developers brought 10,700 MW of wind power online in 2012, as compared to 4510 MW for coal and 8746 MW of natural gas-fired capacity.

California solar initiative pushes the state past 1 GW of installed solar PV

  • 11 years ago (2013-01-18)
  • Junior Isles
The California Solar Initiative (CSI) has announced that the State of California surpassed 1 GW of solar PV generating capacity during December 2012. In all, installed PV reached 1066 MW by the end of 2012, with another 332 MW is committed for installation.

Solar energy becomes cheaper than diesel generation

  • 11 years ago (2013-01-17)
  • David Flin

The cost of solar energy has dropped below the cost of diesel generation worldwide for communities living away from the electricity grid, according to a report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena).

Power generated by wind blows past coal in Ontario

  • 11 years ago (2013-01-15)
  • David Flin

For the first time, electrical power generated by wind has surpassed that from coal in Ontario, Canada. Figures released by Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) showed that wind-generated power supplied 3 per cent of the province’s electricity in 2012, compared to 2.8 per cent for coal-generated power.

Mitsui and EDF EN Mexico to join forces in wind farm in Mexico

  • 11 years ago (2013-01-12)
  • David Flin

Mitsui and EDF EN Mexico, a subsidiary of EDF Energies Nouvelles, have agreed to participate in the 164 MW Bii Stinu Wind Project, located in Oaxaca, Mexico.

UK energy mix shifts further from gas towards coal during 2012

  • 11 years ago (2013-01-11)
  • Junior Isles
The UK’s generation mix shifted further from gas-fired generation towards coal during 2012, a trend that looks likely to continue in 2013 due to rising gas prices and falling fuel and emissions allowance costs for coal, according to analysis from Platts.