Articles - Past and present news from The Energy Industry Times

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World nuclear power capacity grew in 2012

  • 11 years ago (2013-03-06)
  • David Flin

The world’s nuclear power generation capacity grew again in 2012, after a drop in 2011 in the wake of the Fukushima disaster, according to the 2013 Nuclear Technology Review, a draft report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

China encourages distributed power generation

  • 11 years ago (2013-03-02)
  • David Flin

The State Grid Corporation of China, the country’s largest energy distributor, is taking further steps to facilitate the use of distributed power generation.

UK shifts from gas to coal in 2012

  • 11 years ago (2013-03-01)
  • Junior Isles
The UK’s generation mix during 2012 was marked by a profound shift from gas to coal, with coal burn reaching its highest level since 1996 and gas output at its lowest since the same year, according to provisional figures from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).

Tax increases put pressure on Indian coal-fired generators

  • 11 years ago (2013-03-01)
  • Junior Isles
India is to increase import taxes on thermal coal and export duties on bauxite in order to increase government revenue and plug its widening budget deficit, Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram has said.

Jamaica’s OUR reviewing electricity generation proposals

  • 11 years ago (2013-02-26)
  • David Flin

Jamaica’s Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) has opened a window of opportunity for firms wishing to submit proposals for a new electricity generating plant that would use LNG as its main fuel source.

Thailand moves to coal and renewables

  • 11 years ago (2013-02-23)
  • Junior Isles
A report from the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Egat) has stated that Thailand will look to develop new coal-fired power plants and increase the use of renewables as gas reserves in the country decrease.

French minister says EDF must justify power production costs

  • 11 years ago (2013-02-23)
  • David Flin

Electricité de France (EDF), the world’s biggest nuclear reactor operator, must justify its costs of power production and sales before the French government makes a decision on raising prices, according the Delphine Batho, the French Energy Minister.

Chinese wind generation eclipses nuclear during 2012

  • 11 years ago (2013-02-20)
  • Junior Isles
China generated 2 per cent more electricity from wind than nuclear during 2012, figures released by market analysts show.

Three Nepalese projects get power generation licenses

  • 11 years ago (2013-02-19)
  • David Flin

The Nepalese Government has awarded power generation licenses to three hydropower projects with a combined capacity of 36.36 MW. The promoters of the projects have been asked to complete their financial closures for project development within a year.

Proposed reforms worry Japanese utility executives

  • 11 years ago (2013-02-17)
  • Junior Isles
Proposed reform of the Japanese power industry would deprive utilities of revenue to the extent that they would be incapable of operating current and planned nuclear facilities, according to Makoto Yagi, president of Kansai Electric Power Co. and head of the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan.