Articles - Past and present news from The Energy Industry Times

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China July power output up by11.5 per cent

  • 13 years ago (2010-08-11)
  • David Flin

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), China’s power generation increased in July by 11.5 per cent from the equivalent figure a year earlier, reaching a record 377.64 TWh, as demand peaked amid scorching temperatures in many parts of the country.

Irish energy levy will have significant impact

  • 13 years ago (2010-08-10)
  • David Flin

According to the American Chamber of Commerce in Ireland, plans to introduce an additional levy to electricity bills will reduce Ireland’s competitiveness. The Irish government and the energy regulator defended the decision to introduce the levy, which could lead to a rise of up to 5 per cent in electricity prices.

Mini nuclear power systems for Pacific islands

  • 13 years ago (2010-08-09)
  • David Flin

Hyperion Power Generation, from New Mexico, USA, has said that it has commercialised small modular nuclear reactors for power generation for use by small island states in the Pacific.

Nigeria to resuscitate dams for electricity generation

  • 13 years ago (2010-08-06)
  • David Flin

As part of its efforts to boost power supply in the country, the Nigerian Government has said that it is compiling studies of all the abandoned dams across the country in order to resuscitate them for electricity generation.

Germany raises estimates for renewable energy production

  • 13 years ago (2010-08-05)
  • David Flin

Germany’s Federal Cabinet has adopted a national renewable energy action plan presented by the country’s Environment Minister, Norbert Röttgen.

GDF-SUEZ to invest in Chile and Peru

  • 13 years ago (2010-08-04)
  • David Flin

The French power company GDF-Suez has announced that it plans to make a significant investment in a series of energy projects in Chile and Peru.

Tariff extension for bagasse-based cogeneration plants in Maharashtra

  • 13 years ago (2010-08-03)
  • David Flin

In Maharashtra state, India, the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) has granted an extension to the tariff fixed for bagasse-based cogeneration projects up until March 2011.

Saudi Arabia needs $80 billion for power growth by 2018

  • 13 years ago (2010-08-02)
  • David Flin

It has been reported that about $80 billion worth of investment is needed in Saudi Arabia by 2018 to meet rising power demands in the country.

Brazil’s Eletrobras to invest $500 million in USA

  • 13 years ago (2010-07-30)
  • David Flin

Brazil’s state-controlled power company Eletrobras plans to invest up to $500 million in transmission projects in the USA starting in 2011, according to Eletrobras CEO Jose Antonio Muniz Lopez.

UK Government announces 40-year energy action plan

  • 13 years ago (2010-07-29)
  • David Flin

The UK Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne presented the UK’s first ever Annual Energy Statement to Parliament on 28 July, in which he outlined a 32-point action plan for the next 40 years.