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Total Results : 678

UAE picks site to build four reactors

  • 2010-05-14 05:21:01
  • David Flin

A remote beach at Braka in Abu Dhabi on the Persian Gulf, about 50 km from the centre of Abu Dhabi’s oil industry at Rawis, is the chosen site for four new nuclear reactors to be built by a South Korean consortium.

CKI to bid for EDF’s British power lines

  • 2010-05-10 06:20:58
  • David Flin

Cheung Kong Infrastructure (CKI) Holdings of Hong Kong, which owns 40 per cent of Hong Kong’s power generation business, is considering a £4 billion plus bid for EDF’s British electricity distribution business.

Saudi Arabia to set up civil nuclear energy centre

  • 2010-04-19 06:15:08
  • David Flin

Saudi Arabia is due to establish a civil nuclear and renewable energy centre to help meet demand for power as it pushes forward with economic expansion plans.

Entergy asks OK for nuclear plans

  • 2010-03-17 06:12:11
  • David Flin

Entergy asked Louisiana state regulators for approval to continue early development of a new nuclear power generator in St Francisville, Louisiana, USA.

Japan’s cabinet approves draft Global Warming Mitigation Law

  • 2010-03-16 06:28:56
  • David Flin

The Japanese cabinet has approved a draft Global Warming Mitigation Law. With regard to the emissions trading scheme, which had been a focus of controversy until the final process of the discussion, the bill proposes establishment of a total emissions cap as the basic control method while also including the emissions intensity approach in the provisions.

Cost against emissions reduction survey says 5 per cent

  • 2010-03-12 06:33:35
  • David Flin

A survey conducted on electricity consumers in Japan revealed that more than half the respondents were not willing to accept price increases exceeding 5 per cent to reduce CO2 emissions.

GE Hitachi to cooperate on construction of first nuclear power plants in Poland

  • 2010-03-09 06:00:50
  • David Flin

US-based GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) has signed an agreement with Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE), Poland's largest power company, to collaborate on a plan to build nuclear power plants in Poland.

Britain and India agree nuclear deal

  • 2010-02-05 05:26:48
  • David Flin

Britain and India have agreed on the text of a deal that will allow British companies to compete to supply nuclear power equipment worth $150 million to India.

Iran sets nuclear endgame

  • 2010-01-05 11:14:41
  • David Flin

Iran rejects IAEA demand

  • 2009-12-05 06:51:58
  • David Flin

Iran ’s pursuit of its nuclear programme has tested the patience of and and increased the chances that they might support sanctions against .

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