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Selected highlights from the September 2024 edition of The Energy Industry Times

  • 24 days ago (2024-09-02)
  • Junior Isles
Africa 316 Asia 877 Australasia 52 Biomass 8 Climate change 21 Coal 288 Cogeneration 1 Concentrating solar 5 Cyber security 8 Decarbonisation 1 Decentralised energy 6 Demand side management 3 Demand side response 2 Digitalisation 10 Distributed energy 10 Distribution 119 Electric vehicles EVs 4 Emissions 63 Energy management 1 Equipment 2 Europe 1084 Gas 387 Gas engine plant 63 Gas fuel 2 Horizon 2 Hydroelectric 17 Hydrogen 59 Hydropower 125 Latin America 80 Maintenance 3 Marine 1 Metering 2 microgrid 5 Middle East 321 North America 1012 Nuclear 653 Offshore wind 121 Oil 19 Operations 4 Policy 9 Regulations 3 Renewables 767 smart grid 2 Solar 264 Storage 43 substation 8 Tepco 2 Tidal 2 Toshiba 4 Transmission 185 US Senate Washington 4 Wind 250
TEI Times September 2024 Thumbnail

Selected highlights from the September 2024 edition of The Energy Industry Times

Fuel Watch: Africa looks to potential as green hydrogen producing continent

European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) 2024
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European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) 2024

Namibia is gearing up to host the first Global African Hydrogen Summit in early September. Organisers are keen to have all elements of African society included in hydrogen projects that could energise Africa and make it an important producer of renewable energy and hydrogen in the energy transition. Meanwhile, another conference will take place in South Africa in October.

Industry Perspective: The energy storage revolution goes global

The G7 nations’ ambitious energy storage target demonstrates global action is needed to meet the renewable goals established at COP28. As renewable energy capacity surges, the demand for scalable long-duration energy storage to provide reliability and flexibility has never been more critical. Irbisio Cleantech Infrastructure Fund’s, Sergey Buchin explains.

Energy Outlook: CCUS: a route to advancing hydrogen production

Carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) can be a viable interim solution to advancing hydrogen production. World Hydrogen Leaders’ Nadim Chaudhry explores the opportunities for CCUS-enabled low carbon hydrogen and how US policy is accelerating the advancement of this vital fuel of the future.

Decarbonisation Series: Private sector finance: the linchpin of energy transition investment

Private sector finance is crucial to the energy transition. Joseph Jacobelli explains the ins and outs, with case studies illustrating the difference it can make in bringing projects to fruition.

Technology Focus: Tapping into untapped wind

A novel form of wind power generation that can harness untapped wind resources through its unique design has been developed by Glasgow-based greentech innovator, Katrick Technologies. ‘Wind Panel’, which will be suitable for use in a wide range of environments including urban and industrial, addresses some of the limitations of current wind power.
Vijay Madlani explores the development of the technology and how it will change the game.

Final Word: Easing the gridlock

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Yours sincerely,

Junior Isles, Editor-in-Chief

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