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Selected highlights from the May 2023 edition of The Energy Industry Times

  • 1 year, 4 months ago (2023-05-02)
  • Junior Isles
Africa 316 Asia 876 Australasia 52 Biomass 8 Climate change 20 Coal 287 Cogeneration 1 Concentrating solar 5 Cyber security 8 Decarbonisation 1 Decentralised energy 6 Demand side management 3 Demand side response 2 Digitalisation 10 Distributed energy 10 Distribution 119 Electric vehicles EVs 4 Emissions 63 Energy management 1 Equipment 2 Europe 1082 Gas 387 Gas engine plant 63 Gas fuel 2 Horizon 2 Hydroelectric 17 Hydrogen 59 Hydropower 124 Latin America 79 Maintenance 3 Marine 1 Metering 2 microgrid 5 Middle East 321 North America 1012 Nuclear 652 Offshore wind 121 Oil 19 Operations 4 Policy 8 Regulations 3 Renewables 766 smart grid 2 Solar 264 Storage 43 substation 8 Tepco 2 Tidal 2 Toshiba 4 Transmission 185 US Senate Washington 4 Wind 249
TEI Times May 2023 Thumbnail

Selected highlights from the May 2023 edition of The Energy Industry Times

Fuel Watch: Japan set to revise hydrogen strategy
Japan launched its ‘Basic Hydrogen Strategy’ in 2017, the first country to do so. But the road has been bumpy and the country is not where it thought it would be by this time. Later this month, Japan intends to correct its course and relaunch its hydrogen strategy, targeting the use of 12 million tons/year by 2040.

Powertrends 2024
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Powertrends 2024

Industry Perspective: Green grids, global warming and the Gulf: a hot solution to a hot issue
Green grids offer a viable way to drastically reduce carbon emissions. Ideally situated between Europe and Asia, the Gulf region could act as a bridge linking a global network of green grids – desert solar could be delivered to Europe by day, with European and North African wind energy transmitted eastwards during the night. The Climate Parliament’s Nicholas Dunlop and Dr. Sergio Missana, explain.

Energy Outlook: Wind power: building the next terawatt
The Global Wind Energy Council’s recent ‘Global Wind Report 2023’ revealed that new capacity additions last year were the lowest for three years. But despite the challenging conditions, the sector will add as much capacity in the next decade as it has over the last 40 years. TEI Times presents a summary of the report.

Technology Focus: Modelling weather impact for renewable energy generation
Assessing the financial and operational viability of renewable energy developments calls for data-driven decisions that are based on robust, reliable modelling. The Institute for Environmental Analytics’ Alan Yates describes how data-driven energy modelling helps with planning effective strategies for renewable power production.

Final Word: The not so Magnificent Seven?

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Yours sincerely,

Junior Isles, Editor-in-Chief

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