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Selected highlights from the January 2022 edition of The Energy Industry Times

  • 2 years ago (2022-01-04)
  • Junior Isles
Africa 316 Asia 876 Australasia 52 Biomass 8 Climate change 20 Coal 287 Cogeneration 1 Concentrating solar 5 Cyber security 8 Decarbonisation 1 Decentralised energy 6 Demand side management 3 Demand side response 2 Digitalisation 10 Distributed energy 10 Distribution 119 Electric vehicles EVs 4 Emissions 63 Energy management 1 Equipment 2 Europe 1082 Gas 387 Gas engine plant 63 Gas fuel 2 Horizon 2 Hydroelectric 17 Hydrogen 59 Hydropower 124 Latin America 79 Maintenance 3 Marine 1 Metering 2 microgrid 5 Middle East 321 North America 1011 Nuclear 651 Offshore wind 121 Oil 19 Operations 4 Policy 8 Regulations 3 Renewables 766 smart grid 2 Solar 264 Storage 43 substation 8 Tepco 2 Tidal 2 Toshiba 4 Transmission 185 US Senate Washington 4 Wind 249
TEI Times January 2022 Thumbnail

Selected highlights from the January 2022 edition of The Energy Industry Times

Fuel Watch: Snam commits to hydrogen future, US sets up clean energy office

Battery Innovation Days 2024
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Battery Innovation Days 2024

Keen to take a leading role in Europe’s transition to clean energy, Italy’s Snam, the largest gas pipeline operator in Europe, has committed some €23 billion to investments in hydrogen infrastructure from now until 2030.

Industry Perspective: Waste-to-energy: the missing piece of the taxonomy puzzle

The waste management sector can contribute to at least three of the six objectives of the EU taxonomy but the current plan overlooks a cornerstone of sustainable waste management: dealing with residual waste. Waste-to-energy has a vital role to play here, say CEWEP’s (Confederation of European Waste-to- Energy Plants) Dr. Ella Stengler and Maxime Pernal.

Energy Outlook: Coal rebound puts climate change on the ropes

Rapid economic recovery is driving global coal power generation to a record high and overall coal demand to a potential all-time high this year, further jeopardising climate goals.
TEI Times looks at the key findings from the International Energy Agency’s ‘Coal21’ report.

Technology Focus: Hydrogen makes progress with plastics

Making use of hard to recycle plastics could be one way of reducing plastic waste, while supporting the UK’s hydrogen strategy. Junior Isles looks at how Peel NRE is progressing with plans to roll-out plastics-to-hydrogen technology.

Final Word: Never the twain shall meet

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We hope you find it informative!

Yours sincerely,

Junior Isles, Editor-in-Chief

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