Articles - Past and present news from The Energy Industry Times

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Texas leads USA in wind and natural gas power growth

  • 8 years ago (2015-12-16)
  • David Flin
Texas has accounted for more than one-third of new wind and natural gas-fired power plants added to the USA’s electric grid so far in 2015, as states retire coal-fired plants.

Japan and South Korea stick to coal plant policies, despite global climate deal

  • 8 years ago (2015-12-16)
  • David Flin
Japan and South Korea have announced that they are pressing ahead with their plans to open a total of 61 new coal-fired power plants over the next ten years, casting doubt on the strength of their commitment to cutting CO2 emissions.

Germany to set climate plan by mid-2016

  • 8 years ago (2015-12-15)
  • David Flin
Barbara Hendricks, Germany’s Environment Minister, has said that Germany will lay out a climate action plan for 2050 by the middle of 2016, and she is talking to industry groups and trade unions about ways to end coal-fired power generation.

Despite COP21, King Coal will be hard to dethrone

  • 8 years ago (2015-12-14)
  • David Flin
Despite all the optimistic words and deals from the COP21 talks in Paris, the negotiators of the agreement still face the challenge of meeting the deal.

Enel Green Power and Powerhive to develop solar grids in Western Kenya

  • 8 years ago (2015-12-08)
  • David Flin

Enel Green Power has announced that it is partnering with mini-grid technology solutions provider and developer Powerhive to construct and operate mini-grids in 100 villages located across Kenya.

Bruce Power to invest $13 billion to refurbish nuclear station

  • 8 years ago (2015-12-07)
  • David Flin

Privately owned Bruce Power has announced that it will invest $13 billion to refurbish the 8-unit 6300 MW Bruce nuclear power station in Ontario, Canada.