The Queensland government has identified 12 renewable energy zones across the Australian state that will underpin its $62 billion plan to decarbonise its electricity supply.
Neoen, the French renewable energy provider, has started construction on one of Australia’s largest batteries at Collie, a town south of Perth in Western Australia.
The West Australia government will spend nearly $3 billion on a renewable battery storage system and wind generation as part of a major overhaul of its energy network as it prepares for the retirement of its coal-fired power plants.
AGL Energy has shut down its Liddell coal-fired power station in New South Wales, Australia, ending fossil fuel generation from the site after 52 years.
Transgrid has placed the first orders for supplies to build the transmission lines necessary to transition Australia away from fossil fuels, following the federal Government’s agreement to underwrite a planned $385 million spend.
GE Gas Power has signed an MOU with DL E&C of South Korea and its subsidiary CARBANCO to jointly explore a roadmap for carbon capture technology integration with CCGT plants in Asia and Oceania powered by GE power technology.
Stanwell Corporation, the coal giant in Queensland, Australia, has announced plans to build a 500 MW wind farm.
Nova Energy has announced that it plans to build the 150 MW first stage of a solar power plant near Rangitaiki on New Zealand’s North Island.
Danish renewable investment firm Copenhagen Infrastructure (CIP) has formed a partnership with the New Zealand Superannuation Fund (NZ Super Fund) to develop 1 GW of offshore wind capacity on New Zealand’s west coast.
Shell will buy a 49 per cent stake in wind farm developer WestWind Energy’s Australian arm.