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Work starts on $2.3 billion gas power project in Vietnam

  • 2 years ago (2022-01-18)
  • David Flin
Asia 859 Gas 379

The Vietnamese government has announced that work on the first phase of the $2.3 billion Hai Lang gas-fired power project has begun. The Hai Lang plant, located in Quang Tri province, will have a power generation capacity of 1.5 GW and will run on regasified LNG. The LNG will be imported via a 1.5 million tonnes/year receiving terminal. The plant is scheduled to be ready by 2027.

WNA 2024
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WNA 2024

The project developers are Vietnam’s T&T group and South Korea’s Southern Power Corporation (Kospo), Hanwha Energy Corporation , and Korea Gas Corporation (Kogas). The government said: that T&T group will contribute 40 per cent of the investment capital while Hanwha, Kospo, and Kogas will jointly contribute 60 per cent.

Vietnam is promoting gas-fired power generation as it moves away from coal- and oil-fired generation.