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Wind and solar generation provide 40 per cent of Dutch electricity production

  • 1 year, 3 months ago (2023-03-07)
  • David Flin
Europe 1068 Renewables 757 Solar 249 Wind 240

CBS , the national statistics agency for the Netherlands, said that over 2022, around 40 per cent of electricity generated in the country came from renewable sources, up from 33 per cent in 2021.

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CBS said that in total, the amount of electricity produced via solar and wind power rose by 20 per cent to 47 TWh, while fossil fuel production fell 11 per cent. Solar power rose by 54 per cent, while wind energy rose by 17 per cent. CBS said that this was largely down to increased capacity and better weather.

There was no change in the amount of electricity produced by coal-fired power stations because restrictions had been lifted to offset the impact of ending Russian gas imports. Gas use fell by 16 per cent. The Netherlands also imported less electricity and exported more.