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Wärtsilä delivers grid solution to Graciólica in Azores

  • 4 years ago (2020-02-25)
  • David Flin
Distribution 113 Europe 1068 Transmission 181

Wärtsilä has delivered an island grid energy solution on Graciólica in the Azores, which will enable the use of renewables to increase to 65 per cent. The order was placed by Portuguese project company Graciólica Lda.

WNA 2024
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WNA 2024

The objective of the island grid is to reduce diesel fuel consumption and maximise renewable energy use. Renewable use will be increased from 15 per cent to 65 per cent with Wärtsilä’s new technology solution.

The island’s energy management is monitored, integrated, and optimised by Wärtsilä’s GEMS, an energy management software system. GEMS software uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to optimise multiple energy generation assets based on load patterns and weather forecasting. GEM’s computing technology also accommodates the island’s renewable intermittent sources such as solar and wind. GEMs does individual asset control as well as system balancing to maximise renewable energy penetration, something traditionally carried out by system operators.

Wärtsilä will also provide software maintenance services under a five-year agreement.