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Wärtsilä wins Dominican plant contract

  • 12 years ago (2011-12-27)
  • Junior Isles
North America 1004

Wärtsilä has been awarded a €150 million contract to supply a complete dual-fuel power plant to the Dominican Republic.

World Battery and Energy Storage Industry Expo 2024 (WBE)
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World Battery and Energy Storage Industry Expo 2024 (WBE)

The company has been contracted by Empresa Generadora de Electricidad Haina (EGE Haina), the Dominican Republic's largest power generation company.

The Quisqueya II power plant is to feature 12 Wärtsilä 50DF generating sets running on natural gas, but with the capability to use heavy fuel oil as needed. The plant is scheduled to be fully operational during the second half of 2013, and will supply baseload electricity to the Dominican national grid.

This plant will twin the Quisqueya I plant located at the same site, which was commissioned by Barrick Gold in September 2011. The two power plants have a total output of 430 MW. They are owned separately but both plants will be constructed on the same site as a single unit.

Sampo Suvisaari, General Manager for Wärtsilä Power Plants in Central America and the Caribbean, said the new twin complex “becomes the biggest power plant in the world, delivered by Wärtsilä” and proves the industrial viablilty and atractivness of “a power plant based on multiple generating units for a relatively small power grid, and the dual fuel capability.”