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Vistra receives NRC approval to own and operate three nuclear plants

  • 8 months ago (2023-10-02)
  • David Flin
North America 1003 Nuclear 643

Vistra and Energy Harbor have received approval from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to transfer the operating licences of Energy Harbors three nuclear plants – Beaver Valley (Pennsylvania, USA), Davis-Besse (Ohio, USA), and Perry (Ohio, USA) – to Vistra.

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Vistra announced in March 2023 that it intended to accelerate the growth of its zero-carbon generation portfolio through the purchase of Energy Harbor, including its 4000 MW nuclear generation fleet, pending regulatory approvals.

Vistra plans to complete the transaction by the end of 2023. Finalisation of the acquisition is dependent on approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

Jim Burke, President and CEO of Vistra, said: “This is an important step in the acquisition process and is evidence of Vistra’s strong technical and financial qualifications, as we have demonstrated over the past 30+ years with our Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant.”