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Vistra receives approval to operate Commanche Peak nuclear power plant to 2053

  • 2 months ago (2024-07-31)
  • David Flin
North America 1015 Nuclear 656

America’s Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has issued a 20-year licence extension to the 2400 MW Commanche Peak nuclear power plant in Texas, USA, operated by Vistra . This will be an extra 20 years beyond the original licences.

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Unit 1 of Commanche Peak was commissioned in 1990, and Unit 2 in 1993. Unit 1 will be able to operate until 2050 and Unit 2 until 2053.

Jim Burke, President and CEO of Vistra, said: “With demand for electricity growing at a rapid pace, reliable sources of power, like Commanche Peak, are going to be absolutely essential to meeting that need. This demand growth is happening at the same time as the country is transitioning to cleaner energy sources and many fossil plants are retiring. Electricity is one of the most basic building blocks of the economy, and extending the operation of our nuclear fleet provides decades of support for both existing and growing sectors.”

Vistra’s Beaver Valley nuclear power plant Units 1 and 2 in Pennsylvania are licensed to 2036 and 2047, and Davis-Besse in Ohio is licensed to 2037. Perry nuclear power plant in Ohio filed its application for renewal in 2023 and is currently in the NRC review process.