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Veolia acquires power plant in Hungary from Uniper

  • 1 year, 20 days ago (2024-02-22)
  • David Flin
Europe 1102 Gas 407

Veolia , via its Hungarian subsidiary, has signed an agreement with Uniper for the acquisition of a 430 MW CCGT power plant.

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Located in Gönyű, in north-west Hungary, the plant is described as “the most modern and efficient in the country”. It helps regulate and balance the Hungarian power grid.

Estelle Brachlianoff, CEO of Veolia, said: “This agreement is in line with our ambitions to develop flexibility capacities, an essential complement to the stability of the European power grid. As a long-standing player in the Hungarian energy market, we are delighted to be able to widen our footprint in order to further contribute to reinforcing the resilience of the local power system.”

Completion of the transaction remains subject to obtaining the necessary authorisations and complying with applicable regulations.