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Vattenfall to convert its German coal power plants to gas or biomass

  • 6 years ago (2018-10-30)
  • David Flin
Coal 310 Europe 1102

Vattenfall of Sweden has plans to convert its German-based coal-fired power plants to gas or biomass to meet the government’s deadline of phasing out coal-fired power plants. Vattenfall currently operates 2.9 GW of coal-fired power plants in Germany, including the 1.7 GW Moorburg site near Hamburg.

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Tuomo Hatakka, Board Member with Vattenfall, said: “How long Moorburg will run will significantly depend on what the coal commission decides. We will also examine alternatives for how to shape Moorburg’s future, for example through the use of biomass. We are at a very early stage in this process.” Hatakka also said that Vattenfall also plans to close Reuter West and Moabit coal-fired power stations by 2030, partially replacing them with industrial waste heat, biomass, waste burning, power-to-heat, and gas technologies.

Closure of Moorburg would have a major impact on Vattenfall, as the company is believed to have invested $3.2 billion into the plant.

The German Government has appointed a commission, which will make an announcement in December regarding phasing out of coal plants in the country.