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US EPA to drop hydrogen from power plant rule

  • 2 months ago (2024-04-23)
  • David Flin
Coal 282 Gas 379 Hydrogen 56 North America 1003

Sources close to the Biden Administration have said that it is likely green hydrogen will be dropped from the plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector.

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This reflects doubt within the administration that green hydrogen technology will reach commercial viability in the timescale of the plan. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could announce the final rule as soon as 25 April.

The EPA’s initial power plant proposal had set standards that would require fossil fuel power plant operators to either use green hydrogen to fuel their plants or install carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology. Opponents of the plan said that the green hydrogen technology may not be commercially viable by 2030 for gas-fired plants and 2032 for coal-fired plants, the dates within the plan.