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US Energy Department launches test facility for small modular reactors

  • 4 years ago (2019-08-16)
  • David Flin
North America 1004 Nuclear 643

The US Energy Department has announced that it has launched a new test facility at the Idaho National Laboratory . This will allow private companies to work on advanced small modular reactor (SMR) technologies to avoid the high costs facing traditional nuclear power plants.

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Rick Perry, the US Energy Secretary, said: “The National Reactor Innovation Centre will enable the demonstration and deployment of advanced reactors that will define the future of nuclear energy.” A number of new entrant firms, such as Bill Gates’ Terra Power, are working on developing SMRs.

Rich Powell, Executive Director of ClearPath , a non-profit advocate for clean energy, said: “The US is on the verge of commercialising ground-breaking nuclear innovation, and we must keep advancing the public-private partnerships needed to traverse the dreaded valley of death that all too often stifles progress.”

Oregon-based NuScale Power has announced that it is building three virtual nuclear control rooms at Texas A&M University, Oregon State University, and the University of Idaho, with funding from the Energy Department. The simulators will be open to researchers and students to train on the operation of SMRs. John Hopkins, CEO of NuScale, said that the simulators would: “Help ensure that we educate future generations about the important role nuclear power and small modular reactor technology will play in attaining a safe, clean, and secure energy future for our country.”