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US DOE awards $5.7 million to GE-led carbon capture technology integration project

  • 2 years ago (2022-02-16)
  • David Flin
Gas 379 North America 1004

GE Gas Power has announced that the company’s front end engineering design (FEED) study “Retrofittable Advanced Combined Cycle Integration for Flexible Decarbonised Generation” will received $5.77 million in federal from the US Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management following successful completion of the award negotiation phase.

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The funding is focused on carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) for power generation application with a goal of commercial deployment by 2030. GE Gas Power will work with Southern Company , Linde , BASF , and Kiewit to develop a detailed plan to integrate carbon capture technologies with a CCGT plant to capture approximately 95 per cent of CO2 emissions generated.

The FEED study will focus on Southern Company’s subsidiary Alabama Power’s James M. Barry Electric Generating Plant, located in Bucks, Alabama. The plant is powered by two GE 7F.04 gas turbines.

GE will research advanced technology and control concepts to integrate the combined cycle power plant with Linde’s Gen 2 carbon capture solution based on BASF OASE blue technology. The project will also include gas and steam turbine equipment enhancements to improve the carbon capture process, with a goal of reducing the impact of the carbon capture process on the power plant’s output, performance, and equipment cost.

The project has the goals of achieving reliability, load flexibility, and significant reduction in carbon emissions. The retrofittable solution will be applicable to other power plants and act as a template for lowering carbon emissions across over 1500 F-class gas turbines worldwide, which have a combined capacity in excess of 280 GW.