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Uniper to close unit at Ratcliffe coal-fired power plant two years early

  • 2 years ago (2021-08-06)
  • David Flin
Coal 282 Europe 1068

Uniper , owners of the Ratcliffe-on-Sour coal-fired power plant in the UK, has announced that the first unit of four will close in September 2022, two years ahead of the previous schedule. The other three units will be closed in September 2024. Once closed, Uniper will transform the site into a zero-carbon technology and energy hub.

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Uniper said that its announcement was in line with its target to make its European power stations carbon neutral by 2035. The company is exploring options for the site and has recently received planning permission for a waste incinerator, to be called the East Midlands Energy Re-Generation (EMERGE) Centre. Construction work could start in late 2022, and it could be operational by 2025.