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UK report says nuclear is cheapest low carbon option

  • 13 years ago (2011-05-10)
  • Junior Isles
Europe 1094 Nuclear 665 Renewables 780

The UK coalition government’s renewable energy review has declared nuclear to be the most cost-effective form of low-carbon power generation in the short-term, while renewables are described as key to decarbonising the UK economy in the medium to long-term.

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But on the eve of the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) report's publication, the centre-right Policy Exchange think tank has urged ministers to abolish the national renewable energy target – to produce 35 per cent of electricity through renewables by 2020.

It described the target as 'unnecessarily expensive' and damaging to efforts to reduce emissions, by diverting cash away from vital research and demonstration of low-carbon technologies.

Despite this, the CCC concluded that while nuclear generation would be the cheapest option during the 2020s, the costs of other technologies would fall and renewable energy would make a major contribution to decarbonising the UK economy in future decades. It added wind would likely become the cheapest form of low-carbon energy within 15-20 years, but called for a shift from offshore to land-based projects.

The committee said, dependent on how quickly costs fall, it was confident renewables could provide 30-45 per cent of the nation's energy by 2030.

Lord Adair Turner, CCC chair, said: “The focus now should be on creating a stable investment climate for renewables, making longer-term commitments to support less mature technologies, and putting in place incentives to deliver significantly increased investment in renewable power and heat generation required over the next decade.”

The review also said the Green Investment Bank would be more effective if it were able to borrow and, given sustainability concerns, pursuing alternatives to decarbonising transport should be made an urgent priority.