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Uganda commissions $1.7 billion hydropower plant

  • 6 months ago (2024-09-27)
  • David Flin
Africa 324 Hydropower 140

Uganda has commissioned its largest electricity generation plant, a 600 MW hydropower plant built on the River Nile costing $1.7 billion, funded by a loan from China. Of this, $1.4 billion was provided by China’s Exim Bank.

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The Karuma Hydropower Project, constructed by Sinohydro Corporation, dramatically increases Uganda’s generation capacity to slightly above 2000 MW. Construction of the plant had started in 2013, and had been subject to multiple delays.

In addition, a 400 kV transmission line spanning 250 km to carry the power was also commissioned. This will enhance the ability of the plant to supply households in Uganda, as well as improving Uganda’s electricity exports to Rwanda, Tanzania, and Kenya.

There are also plans to construct a $180 million transmission line to enable Uganda to export power to South Sudan.