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TerraPower to build SMR in Wyoming, USA

  • 3 years ago (2021-06-03)
  • David Flin
North America 1004 Nuclear 643

TerraPower , based in Washington state, USA, is working with Rocky Mountain Power , an electric utility serving Wyoming and other western states, to build a small modular reactor (SMR) at a soon-to-be retired coal-fired power plant in Wyoming. The SMR plant will feature a sodium reactor and molten salt energy storage system.

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The Natrium reactor will be installed at one of Rocky Mountain Power’s four power plants in the state, with the specific location to be decided later this year.

Bill Gates, founder of TerraPower, said: “We think Natrium will be a game changer for the energy industry. Wyoming has been a leader in energy for over a century, and we hope our investment in Natrium will help Wyoming to stay in the lead for many decades to come.”

Chris Levesque, President and CEO of TerraPower, said that the plant will be a multibillion-dollar project with costs to be split evenly between government and private industry.