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Sri Lankan Government to buy 100 MW thermal power

  • 6 years ago (2018-03-12)
  • David Flin
Asia 876 Gas engine plant 63

Inadequate rainfall in the main catchment areas of Sri Lanka has reduced the country’s hydropower generating capacity, and as a result, the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) has entered into emergency power supply agreements to purchase 100 MW of temporary thermal capacity, to ensure uninterrupted power supply over the next six months.

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The tenders to supply thermal power to the grid have been awarded to Aggreko International Projects Limited and to Heyleys Aventutra. According to the Sri Lankan Government, it will purchase 56 MW from Aggreko International Projects, and 44 MW from Heyleys Aventura.

It is believed that these agreements may end up being extended, as the CEB has a shortfall in generating capacity, and at present, no major power plant is being built. The only coal-fired power plant currently in operation is the Chinese-funded Norochcholai power plant, which accounts for 45 per of the national grid.